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Attachments (7)
Report Summary

Consumer bought a mattress. Consumer washed the mattress cover and then there were millions of fiberglass/carbon fibers all over consumer's home. Consumer spent a lot of money getting rid of the damage.

Product Details
  • Product Description: Serta I Series 1000
  • Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Serta International
  • Brand Name: Serta Simmons USA
  • Model Name or Number: 500400170-1060
  • Serial Number: V000250641
  • UPC Code: P001761947
  • SKU#:
  • Date Manufactured: 7/10/2020
  • Retailer: Mattress Firm
  • Retailer State:
  • Purchase Date: 10/14/2020
  • Product Category: Furniture, Furnishings & Decorations
  • Product Type: Bedroom, Bedding & Bath
  • Product Code: Nonbaby Mattresses (4009)
Associated Recall
Incident Details
  • Incident Description: I bought a mattress in late 2020 the Serta I-Series 1000. Upon washing the mattress cover these was millions of fiberglass or carbon fibers all over my bedroom, living room, laundry room, it was a nightmare. I will need to spend thousands to replace several items that have been damaged permanetly. The cleaning alone costed thousands and 3 days of missed work. There was no warning labels nothing that indicated you couldn't wash or remove the cover. I am severe asthmatic and had breathing issues for 2 weeks after cleanup. I still find little particles and have been told by professionals it's likely falling from my popcorn ceilings. They quoted 3200$ to paint the rooms as they would need to wear hazmat gear.
  • Incident Date: 5/7/2021
  • Incident Location: Unspecified
Victims Involved
  • Injury Information: Injury - Level of care not known
  • My Relationship to the Victim: Unspecified
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Victim's Age When Incident Occurred:
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
Additional Details
  • Submitter has product?:
  • Product was damaged before incident?:
  • Product was modified before incident?:
  • If yes to any, explanation:
  • Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
  • If Not, Do you plan to?:
  • Report Number: 20210521-8CDB1-2147363997
  • Report Date: 5/21/2021
  • Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler: 5/25/2021
  • Report First Publication Date: 6/9/2021
  • Category of Submitter: Consumer