Report Summary
Water beads are advertised as nontoxic toy, grow when exposed to water. Submitter reported, they had male patient that ingested multiple beads & it grew within intestinal tract. He required two major operations to remove them.
Other surgeons had patient with similar issue.
Product Details
- Product Description: Orbeez. Details are available in their website:
- Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: Spin Master, Ltd
- Brand Name: Orbeez
- Model Name or Number:
- Serial Number:
- UPC Code:
- SKU#:
Date Manufactured:
- Retailer:
- Retailer State:
Purchase Date:
- Product Category: Toys & Children
- Product Type: Toys
- Product Code: Toys, Not Elsewhere Classified (1381)
Incident Details
- Incident Description: Orbeez (also known as water beads) are advertised as nontoxic toys. They are colorful beads that grow when exposed to water. We had a patient that ingested multiple Orbeez that belonged to his older siblings. The beads grew within his intestinal tract and he required two major operations to remove them as they were causing an intestinal obstruction. Other surgeons within my practice had a recent patient with similar Orbeez ingestion requiring surgical interventions.
Incident Date:
- Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
- Injury Information: Injury - Hospital Admission
- My Relationship to the Victim: Unspecified
- Sex: Male
- Victim's Age When Incident Occurred:
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
- Spin Master, Ltd: At Spin Master, we design and manufacture all our products with the safety of our consumers foremost in mind. We take every complaint seriously and investigate whenever possible. In this instance, Spin Master is unable to conduct a full investigation as the consumer and medical provider contact information have not been provided. Spin Master has also been unable to verify that the product in question were genuine Orbeez ™. There are many counterfeit and copycat versions of Orbeez available in the marketplace, many of which do not comply with US regulations as they are sold online from foreign sources. Consumers should only purchase genuine Orbeez. As part of its commitment to safety, Spin Master maintains rigorous quality control in its production, carefully controlling both the physical size and chemical makeup of Orbeez. Orbeez have undergone extensive testing and risk analysis by independent, third-party laboratories. All genuine Orbeez are non-toxic and analysis has shown that if a child swallows Orbeez, they pass through the digestive system without issues. As with any foreign object, however, if a substantial number of Orbeez are swallowed, we advise consumers to seek immediate medical attention for the advice of a medical professional. The recommended age for Orbeez is for children ages 5+. Caregivers should carefully supervise children using Orbeez and should always store Orbeez away from children. SpinMaster encourages consumers with any additional inquiries or comments to contact our USA consumer support team at 1-800-622-8339 Monday thru Friday between 9am - 8pm (EST) or visit 24 hours a day.
Additional Details
Submitter has product?:
Product was damaged before incident?:
Product was modified before incident?:
- If yes to any, explanation:
Have you contacted the manufacturer?:
If Not, Do you plan to?:
- Report Number: 20220415-524C8-2147356851
Report Date:
Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler:
Report First Publication Date:
- Category of Submitter: Health Care Professional