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Report Summary

Consumer reported, washer caught fire while in use. They went outside when noticed black smoke erupting from back of washer & called Fire Department. FD came out & they took washer out. She stated, that fire from washer burnt top of dryer. Fire damaged garage.

Product Details
  • Product Description: Top load
  • Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler Name: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. (SEA)
  • Brand Name: Samsung
  • Model Name or Number: WA49B5205AW
  • Serial Number:
  • UPC Code:
  • SKU#:
  • Date Manufactured:
  • Retailer: Lowes
  • Retailer State: Louisiana
  • Purchase Date: 6/19/2022
  • Product Category: Home Maintenance and Structures
  • Product Type: Laundry, Fabric Care & Sewing
  • Product Code: Washing Machines, Other or Not Specified (140)
Associated Recall
Incident Details
  • Incident Description: Caller is reporting that her washer caught fire while in use. She stated that they noticed black smoke erupting from the back of the unit, they went outside and called the fire department. She stated that the fire department came out and took a fire report. She stated that they took the washer. The fire from the washer burnt the top of the dryer as well. Calle stated that the fire damaged her garage where the unit was located and there is also smoke damages to the interior of her home. The manufacturer was not contacted as yet.
  • Incident Date: 9/11/2022
  • Incident Location: Home/Apartment/Condominium
Victims Involved
  • Injury Information: Incident, No Injury
  • My Relationship to the Victim: Self
  • Gender: Female
  • Victim's Age When Incident Occurred:
Comments from the Manufacturer/Private Labeler
Additional Details
  • Submitter has product?: No
  • Product was damaged before incident?: No
  • Product was modified before incident?: No
  • If yes to any, explanation:
  • Have you contacted the manufacturer?: No
  • If Not, Do you plan to?: Yes
  • Report Number: 20220919-E354F-3908169
  • Report Date: 9/19/2022
  • Sent to Manufacturer/Importer/Private Labeler: 10/13/2022
  • Report First Publication Date: 10/27/2022
  • Category of Submitter: Consumer